Ready To FINALLY Earn What You Deserve?
Double your production! Double your income..
YES! I Am Ready!
With over 27 years of braiding and entrepreneurial experience
Speedy Braids Queen, Lady K, has created an intermediate braiding course WITH YOU IN MIND!

The Intro to Speed Braiding Course includes 5 of Lady K's SPEED ENHANCEMENT tips/tricks.
  1.  Prepping Braiding Hair for Speed
  2.  Client’s Hair Prep
  3.  Lady K’s Must Haves for EVERY Client!
  4.  Hand Stretches & Warm Ups
  5.  Hand/finger Positioning for Creating Neater Braids, FASTER!
  •  Healthy hair care tips 
  •  An introduction to further insight, further discussions, and training with Lady K!
  •  A chance to win 25% off of Lady K's MASTER SPEED BRAIDING COURSE (12 week program ~ $6,995 value)

At the end of this course...
You will feel empowered
You will be proud that you attained the knowledge and put into practice proven tips and tricks to create beautiful braids in a timely manner and causing little to no tension! With these tools alongside what you already have inside of you, the sky's the limit!

You will leave a legacy
Once you master the art of speed braiding, you will be able to reclaim more time in a day. Time freedom is a key component to financial freedom! This is just one way to acquire both while doing what you love.... enhancing beauty and confidence!

You will feel encouraged
Once you have completed your course and see what you can accomplish with just a little extra practice, you will be emboldened to continue to see just how far you really can go. You will now be able to provide your clients with not only a beautiful service, but one that won't necessarily have to take up their whole day.  
YES! I Am Ready!
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